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    Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game Expansion Set - No Time To Die Edition - By Upper Deck


    The third expansion to Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game. This set introduces the characters and features of another 007 film, No Time To Die (2021).

    Backstory. Face a challenging mix of villains and missions as you are tasked with defeating the evil mastermind before they are able to complete their evil scheme. The cards in this expansion closely follow the story line of No Time To Die. Just like the core set, you must defeat the villains before they can escape and complete the missions or before the danger level rises too high. Like Bond you must be ready, because you can count on a few unexpected twists along the way. 

    Details. This expansion comes with 120 playable cards featuring images from the 25th film, No Time To Die. You can expand on the Legendary core set as James Bond is accompanied by new allies to disrupt the nefarious plans of Safin. Is he up for this new challenge? Explore new gameplay elements for Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game as you try to foil the evil plot. For 1-5 players, aged 14+. Each game takes 30-60 minutes.

    How to play. In this game the players are in control. The fate of the world is up to you. You can fight against the forces of evil by yourself or gather a crew of up to four friends. Defeat the evil Masterminds as they lead powerful Villains in an attempt to complete their Schemes to gain power and world dominance!

    Each player starts with their own deck of basic starting cards. At the start of your turn, play the top card of the Villain Deck which allows Villains and Missions to enter “On Assignment”, acquire Gadgets, and wreak havoc on the players in other nefarious ways. Then play Hero cards from your hand to generate Attack, Recruit Points, and special abilities. You use Attack to defeat your enemies. You use Recruit Points to recruit more powerful Heroes from “Q Branch” for your deck. Whenever your deck runs out of cards, shuffle your discard pile to make a new deck, including all the new Heroes you recruited. This way your deck gets stronger and stronger over time. Build up enough power, and you can defeat the Mastermind! But be careful: If the players fail too many Missions, the Mastermind wins the game!

    Note. This set requires the core Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game to play.