If you are ordering outside of the UK, your order may be charged customs fees covering taxes, duties and processing when it arrives at your border. Our shipping charges do not cover these additional customs fees. If you are not familiar with the customs fees in your country, please check with your local customs office for more information. If you refuse to pay the customs fees when your order arrives, the shipment will be returned and we will be charged the customs fees plus return shipping costs. Therefore, we do not issue refunds for customs fees, shipping, or the cost of your order if you refuse to pay the customs fees.
007Store.com has no way of estimating customs timings or fees which can delay delivery due to customs processing. If your order does not arrive in a reasonable amount of time, you should check with your local customs office to see if they are holding the package for payment of fees. Some customs offices will send a separate invoice for your customs fees that could arrive several weeks after you receive your shipment. We advise you to familiarise yourself with the customs charges in your country before you order.